Hello and warmest welcome! My name is Chantelle van der Weyden and I am a Naturopath and Nutritionist based in Sydney. I am truly passionate about all things natural health and wellness, and about reconnecting YOU with your most vibrant health.

Where it all began…

My health journey is none too out of the ordinary and may sound quite similar to yours. I spent much of my childhood, teenage years and early 20’s not really thinking about my health or what I ate. In fact, I ate and drank pretty much whatever I wanted; I barely exercised, and took whatever medications might have been prescribed to me with no real thought (or knowledge) of the consequences. I pretty much took my health for granted. As I reached my mid 20’s things started to go south a little. I started to experience some pretty horrible digestive and hormonal concerns. After to-ing and fro-ing with doctors and specialists for a few years, taking prescription after prescription, and watching my symptoms getting worse and worse (I say “watching” because I was so out of touch with my body, that it was like I was watching my health deteriorate from outside of myself), something twigged and I began to wonder if maybe my diet and lifestyle had something to do with my worsening condition. I decided to take a break from conventional medicine and started to research food, nutrition, and alternative therapies. I went to see a naturopath and finally received an accurate diagnosis. I started eating clean, healthy, organic foods, embraced yoga, gentle exercise and self-care, and dabbled with herbal medicine. And from that moment I was hooked! Food as medicine, the healing power of nature, and the beauty of gentle movement became my passion, so much so that I decided to make a career out of it. I am by no means cured, which can sometimes be hard to admit as a health practitioner. I know what makes me feel good and what doesn’t. I know how to look after and nurture myself. And I know that health is a perpetual (but amazing) work in progress, one that has changed my life in ways I could never have imagined. I am truly grateful for this journey, for without it I would not be here to guide you. I am here to help you; because I’ve been there, I know what it feels like, I get it, and I’ve got you!

My mission…

Is to reconnect you with your body. I feel, as women especially, we’ve become so disconnected from who we are. We’re not sure what to eat, how to move, or when to rest. We’re tired and stressed; anxious, moody and depressed; our periods are missing or we’ve got debilitating PMS; we’re struggling to conceive or battling through the transition of menopause; we’re bloated and gassy; and just down right uncomfortable in our own skin. And sadly we’re led to believe that this is completely normal, simply all part of being a woman. We’re told there’s nothing wrong with us, it’s all in our heads, you just need a good nights sleep, or lets just pop you on this or that pill and you’ll be fine. Please believe me when I tell you that that this is not the case. These signs and symptoms are your body’s way of trying to tell you something. And I am here to help you understand exactly what that might be.

I am incredibly passionate about helping you return to the soul of who you really are by realigning you with the natural rhythms and cycles of your body. I believe in working together to really get to the bottom of your symptoms and supporting you while we restore and rejuvenate your health. We are all amazingly individual beings and there is not one size fits all way of eating, moving or healing. I don’t prescribe to a particular diet and I don’t encourage you to do so either. I don’t restrict or allow guilt. I know from the bottom of my heart that supporting our bodies with nourishing, clean, whole foods (and maybe a little nutritional and herbal supplementation if you so please), and nurturing our spirit with movement, self love and self care, is the key to beautiful, harmonious health. Health that you deserve.

Areas of health that I love…

  • Women’s hormone health
  • Fertility and preconception care for both women and men
  • Mental health
  • Fatigue, stress and burnout
  • Digestive health


  • Advanced Diploma of Naturopathy (ACNT)
  • Advanced Diploma Nutritional Medicine (ACNT)
  • Bachelor of Psychology (Hons) (University of Wollongong)
  • Member of the Australian Traditional Medicine Society

Get in Touch…

If you have any questions, would like to work with me, or just want to say hi, pop on over here and shoot me an email.

I can’t wait to get to know you. Thank you so much for dropping by.
